
Chief Of Army Staff Salary In Nigeria 2024

Chief Of Army Staff Salary In Nigeria 2024. Nigerian Army is one of the strongest Army in the world when you talk about foot soldiers, They are also regarded as on of the best Army Army in Africa. The Nigerian Army is also part of the Nigerian military which consists of the Nigerian AirForce and the Nigerian Navy. The Nigerian Army is headed by the Chief of the Army staff who only takes orders from the Chief of Defence Staff or the President.

The Chief of Army staff is a presidential appointment, this simply means that any senior officer in the Nigerian Army can be appointed as the Chief of Army Staff.

Though for you to be the Chief of Army Staff in Nigeria, you will be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General immediately you are appointed. If are still confused about the Nigerian Army Ranks, we have previously written a post about the ranks in the Nigerian Army and their Salaries.

Chief Of Army Staff Salary In Nigeria

Chief Of Army Staff Salary In Nigeria 2024

Now the question is What is the Nigerian Army Chief of staff Salary? This question is what many people have been asking and we will explain it to your understanding in this post. When we wrote about the Nigerian Army ranks and Salary, the rank of Lieutenant General was not included because, there was no much information regarding the actual amount which is paid to the Nigerian Army Chief of staff. All the salaries from Major General is Approximately and not the exact amount.

The Last rank which was mentioned in that post is the rank of General and the Salary. and the Rank of Lieutenant General which is hold by the Chief of Army Staff is the rank before the General. A General in the Nigerian Army is paid about #2,000,000 Monthly. So approximately, The Lieutenant General Salary who is always the Nigerian Chief of Army Staff is about 1.5M Naira.

That’s what you need to understand about the Chief of Army Staff Salary In Nigeria.


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