
New Loan Apps In Nigeria 2024

Since the establishment of loan apps in Nigeria, New loan apps keeps coming up every day. How reliable these loan apps is is what is not known to people. All we see is new loan apps been coming online everyday. In this post, we will be giving you the list of this new loan apps in Nigeria that you can try out and know the ones you can use.

Please there are some things you should take to note. Most of the loan apps we are listing here have not been used by us and we are not asking you to use anyone. Please we are not recommending any of these loan apps to users. We have previously written about reliable loan apps in Nigeria if you are looking for a reliable loan app you can use. And please also watch out for the list of fake loan apps in Nigeria so not to fall a victim of any of them.

List Of New Loan Apps In Nigeria

  • EasyKash

EasyKash is one of the new loan apps in Nigeria. EasyKash is a Loan App which has not been up to a year on play store. This loan app already has already have some reviews from users. The reviews made by users sometimes determines how good the loan app is and how you can deal with the app.

According to the reviews we read on play store, some of the users complained of the app giving the a different amount from what they requested. For example, a user posted “This loan app is a fraudulent one. After registration I was offered #6100 to pay back 6100 to pay back #6500 and to my greatest surprise, I was offered 4200 to pay back #6500.”

Some other users made some reviews which also seams similar to the one above but generally, the app is currently rated 4.3 out of 5 on playstore. But please, don’t judge loan apps with positive reviews on playstore as some of the developers buy reviews from users sometimes.

  • CayCredit

CayCredit is one of the new loan app on play store. Rumours have it that this loan app was developed by the same developers of LionCash and Truenaira. The loan app has been on playstore for like a year now. This is one of the new loan apps we can say we have used. The loan app is ok but the problem with the is short repayment period.

New Loan Apps In Nigeria

Their repayment period is very short and not everyone can be able to meet up. How can you give someone a loan of 20k and expect the person to pay back about 26k under 7 days. For me, any loan app that cannot give you up to 30 days to repay their loan is not trusted and shouldn’t be worked with.

  • LinkCredit

LinkCredit is one of the new loan app in Nigeria. Wether to trust this new loan app or not is what we can’t guarantee you because we have not used this loan app. The app is not up to a year on play store and it also have some reviews.

According to the reviews, some say that the loan app is reliable but generally, the ratings for the app on playstore is 3.9 out of 5. Please be cautious when dealing with any new loan apps you see online as there are many new fake loan apps in Nigeria presently.

  • NNMoney

NNMoney is a new loan app in Nigeria. The app has been on play store for like a year now. Though we have not used this loan app but according to the reviews on playstore, The ratings generally is 3.9 out of 5.

Most of the users on playstore said sometimes after repayment, the app refuses to clear their dashboard and continue saying they are owning. While some of the users also said that the App is fast in giving loan but the repayment terms is just 8 days which is very short for some salary earners. So generally, the reviews I got from this loan app is manageable though we are not recommending the app to anyone as we have not personally used the loan app.

  • PrimePay

PrimePay is another new loan app you can see online. The loan app is about a year old online and has many users and have up to a million downloads online. This particular loan app has not been practically used by me but according to users review on playstore, the loan app is fast in loan disbursement but the amount you will be offered will be very little.

Another review also said that the loan app is good but the problem is that the loan period is very short and not everyone can be able to meet up with the repayment. Another review also said that the interest rate is very high and not everyone can afford it. From my own view, I believe they are good in giving loans expect for the few complaints coming from users.

  • BGLoan

BGLoan is a new loan app you can see on app store. The app generally is rated 4.4 out of 5 presently. According to the ratings on Playstore presently, many users have rated the app 5 star while few rated one star.

We can not really say much about this loan app as we have not practically used the loan app. But If you ask us what we think of the loan app, we will say it’s worth giving a trial. But as we said earlier, always be cautious when using any new loan app and know the kind of permission you grant to them as most of them are not reliable.

  • OneCash

Onecash is one of the new loan app you can find online. One app has been on playstore for up to a year now. Though we Don’t know the month this loan app was uploaded online but for playstore, it’s like a year presently.

Now for Onecash, we have not used the loan app either and we can’t tell you anything about it. The reason is that the ratings on Playstore and reviews can be confusing. Confusing as you can’t say this is the one to follow.

Let me break it down for you, One of the user made a complain of trying to make a payment but the payment button is not working and their is no account number to make the payment. They user also said that the act is a very criminal act.

Some other users said that the only problem they have is that they don’t give users so much time to repay back their loan and their interest rate is very high. Now I don’t know which one to follow and believe.

Generally, the app is rated 3.3 out of 5 on playstore. This simply means that many people are giving a negative reviews about the app because for me, any app that doesn’t have up to 3.5 ratings on Playstore is not to be trusted.

  • Tiger Credit

Tiger Credit is one of the new loan apps in Nigeria today. The loan app has been in existence for like a year now. Tiger Credit is categorized as loan shark from a review I read online. Though the loan app has a ratings of 4.3 out of 5 on playstore. This simply means that the app is likely loved by users but as we have said to our readers, we don’t always believe reviews as some of the ratings on Playstore can be manipulated.

According to reviews online, one of the users complained of their customer service not replying to messages as he complained of the space provided for filling in bank card when you want to link your card is 10 instead of 16.

Some also complained of the customer service threatening users if they are unable to make payment of their loans on the date of expiration. Some people also complained of the loan app collecting their data and not giving them any loan.

So for us, as we have not used the loan app, we won’t be able to give you much details on wether to trust the loan app or not. But you can try them out and give us your review using the comment box below.

  • 9Money

9money is among the new loan apps in Nigeria you can see online. The loan app is up to a year on playstore and it also have a large number of reviews online. Generally, the app is rated 3.9 on Playstore.

Wether the app is legit or not, we don’t know because we have not written any reviews concerning the loan app. As you all know, we don’t give reviews of any loan app we have not used as we like to always give the right information.

According to reviews we can find on playstore concerning this loan app,  Users said they truly, the loan app gives loans but the only problem they have is that their interest rates is very high and they also give short repayment terms.

  • MiniCredit

MiniCredit is one of the new loan apps in Nigeria. The loan app is close to a year now, though I don’t know the actual month this loan app was developed and uploaded but we started seeing the loan app online from last year.

This loan app has not been used by us so we won’t be giving you any reviews about it because we don’t know anything about the app. But according to reviews we have read online, we can say that the loan app is yet to be confirmed if you can borrow from them.

Generally on playstore, the app is rated 4.1 out of 5. Though the ratings is ok for me but I don’t believe on it until I use the loan app personally.

Some of the reviews online said that the loan app does not disburse loan for over three months he has been trying to obtain loan from the app. Some also complained of the loan app disbursing small amount. Though for me that one is understandable as the loan amount will always go up once you keep on borrowing and repaying on time without defaulting.

You can also try out the loan app and give us your own review about the loan app.

  • HiFund

HiFund is one of the new loan apps in Nigeria that you check out, The loan app has not been tested by any of our team so we can’t give you any direct review concerning this loan app.

According to a user on play store who wrote his own review concerning this loan app, The loan app gives loan but the problem with them is that they always call users before the due date of their loan and start threatening them to pay up their loan. In some cases, after paying back their loan, they will not clear your dashboard and then interest will keep increasing.

Some other users said that the app is ok just that their interest rates is very high and repayment period is also short. That if they can work on that, they will be one of the best.

For us, we think that the loan app truly gives loans but how they treat their users after the disbursement of the loan to their account is what we are not sure of.

  • Plenty Cash

Plenty Cash is one of the many new loan apps in Nigeria you can see online. We have not used this particular loan app so we can’t give you an exact review concerning the loan app. But the first review I saw on playstore concerning this loan app is that the have unserious customer service. Their numbers is almost switched off all the time. The one that may go through, they won’t be able to answer your calls.

Another user also complained of the interest rate being very high and the repayment period is also high and mostly, they don’t disburse the exact amount they say they are going to disburse. For example, a loan of six thousand naira may be approved for you and you may end up seeing four thousand naira in your account and you will be expected to pay back the interest rate you are supposed to pay when you are issued the original amount but the disbursement is very fast.

Generally on playstore, the app is rated 4.5 out of 5. The app is up to a year on playstore. For me, this app should only be used when there are no options from other well known apps online.

  • Flypay

Flypay loan app is also one of the new loan app in Nigeria you can download online. We are going to write much about this loan app because we have used this loan app and we have some experience with them.

To start with, the loan app truly disburse loan to those who their loans were approved but their interest rate is nothing to write home about. Another major problem of this loan app is short repayment period. They gives users a period of 7 days to repay their loan which is supposed to be up to 28 days.

If it has been just that, I will even advise people to take loan from them but the worst problem concerning this loan app is the customer service. If you don’t have mind and you don’t want to have high blood pressure, it’s better you avoid this loan app because their customer service uses abusive words on their users which is unprofessional. The amount of loan they will even disburse to your account is not even what is approved, so any app you see doing this kind of thing is not to be trusted.

Few minutes after the expiration of your loan, you will start receiving threatening messages from their customer service both on sms and WhatsApp.

  • Nigeria Loan

Nigeria Loan is a new loan app in Nigeria. Don’t think because it’s answering Nigeria loan that it’s owned by Nigerian government. The new loan app called Nigeria Loan has not been used by any of our team but from the reviews we have been reading from the playstore, I don’t think that this new loan app can be trusted.

One of the the users on playstore just wrote that sometimes this particular loan app Customer care will start chatting you up on WhatsApp to repay back your loan even after rejecting your loan application. This the same way a user complained of forcing money on users without showing their interest rates.

I know that sometimes this may be because of some technical issues but it’s not good for a loan app which is trying to gain popularity as they are just new app which was recently lunched.

  • New Credit Plus

New Credit Plus is one of the new loan apps in Nigeria. New Credit Plus has a total rating of 4.0 on playstore. With this ratings, many people may believe it’s worth trying but let’s look at the reviews.

One of the customer complained of customer service not being reachable. And their interest rate is too high. Others also complained of Short repayment period.

  • Pasa Loan App

Pasa Loan app is another new loan app in Nigeria. This loan loan app is one of the loan app I have used and if am to advise you as a friend, just avoid this loan app.

The loan app is up to a year online presently. I have not seen any body talking good about this loan app. Their customer service is one of the worst among them all. If your loan tries and become one day overdue, be ready to pay x3 of what was disbursed in your account. Their repayment period is always 7 days and they don’t even increase it. I don’t need reviews from playstore to talk about this particular loan app. Pasa loan app is last on our list of new loan apps in Nigeria.

Not that there are no other new loan apps in Nigeria but we can’t cover all on this article. But will will always update this article to always give you the latest new loan apps in Nigeria.

From what we have seen in these new loan apps in Nigeria, the major problem they have is high interest rate and short repayment period and because of this, For me it’s better we even stich to the old and reliable loan apps we already know instead of gambling with all these new loan apps as they will frustrate you.

Remember, as we said earlier before list the new loan apps in Nigeria, we are rating any loan app, we can only talk about the ones we have used and experience we have with them. For the ones we have not used, we only wrote reviews which was written by the users on play store and also give our own suggestion.

Please also note that you are also give your own contributions concerning the new loan apps in Nigeria and how you are able to manage with them.

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