Air Force

Difference between Tradesmen And Non Tradesmen In The Nigerian Air force

The Nigerian Airforce has two types of Recruitment which are meant for SSCE, NCE, and OND holders which they call the Nigerian Airforce Trades men and The Nigerian Air force Non-Trades men. Just as we have written about the difference between Trades men And Non-Trades men In The Nigerian Army, it is applied to the Nigerian Airforce, but there is still a little difference between them. In this article, we will be explaining in detail the difference between Tradesmen And Non-Tradesmen In The Nigerian Air force.

Difference between Tradesmen And Non Tradesmen In The Nigerian Air force

Firstly let’s understand what Tradesmen And Non Trades men mean in the Nigerian Airforce.

Note that the Nigerian Airforce Trades men and Non Trades men is not for graduates. You can read about how to join the Nigerian Airforce as a graduate

Nigerian Air force Tradesman

The Nigerian Airforce Trades men is for those who already have handwork which they are practicing in their Civil lives before they want to join the Nigerian Airforce. Now when they are applying for the Nigerian Air force, they apply as tradesmen as they already have a job which they have the trade test.

Nigerian Air force Non Tradesmen

The Nigerian Air force Non Tradesmen are those that do not have any trade certificates. They only possess their SSCE Certificate and meet up with the Nigerian Airforce recruitment requirements.

Main Difference between Nigerian Airforce Tradesman and Non-Tradesmen.

Unlike the Nigerian Army which doesn’t give ranks to the newly passed out Tradesman, the Nigerian Airforce gives the newly passed out recruit the rank of Lance Corporal or Corporal depending on the trade you entered with.

The Non-Trades men always come out with the rank of Aircraftman.

Secondly, the Nigerian Airforce Trades men are also deployed to their various trades in the Nigerian Airforce while the Nigerian Airforce Non-Trades men are deployed to the Other fighting group.

The Nigerian Air Force Trades men are most times paid more than the Non-Trades men because of their trade. You can read about the Nigerian Airforce ranks and salary

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